HOLY MOLY everyone its me Sumako with data collection Wednesday!
Camp Photo Album
Put your camp photos in this folder I can't wait to see all the great photos everyone took!
Mid Year Exec Feedback
We want your feedback! What are we doing right? What are we doing wrong? Let us know!
Senpai Opinion Poll
We have gotten all our senpai applicants for semester 2, please select everyone you think would be a good fit!
Sneaky Games Night
Our first games night of the semester before the Newbie influx of market day! Make sure to pre order pizza as you won't be able to on the night. The Pizza cut off is at 3pm on the Tuesday as that is when the order is placed.
When: Tuesday the 25th of July 5:30pm
Where: Probably Hawken C207
Pizza Time: https://forms.gle/wio2FEMxTKJ8AfEx9